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Single-day training


This training will create conversation for positive change and outcomes regarding Aboriginal engagement, participation and insight into Aboriginal culture. Participants will be provided with a better understanding of engagement strategies and pathways. We will cover the history of modern Australia, offer a range of communication techniques and highlight ways to increase engagement with the community and clients. You will be empowered with skills and knowledge to better recognise and understand areas in Aboriginal culture that may have an effect on participation rates and outcomes for Aboriginal specific programs.


The training offers the opportunity for participants to:

  • Increase participants own cultural understandings

  • Discuss strategies for the implementation of their new learnings

  • How these learnings may be embedded into service delivery

  • Improved relationships between Aboriginal staff/volunteers and community

  • Awareness and a greater understanding of organisational cultural competency






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                                                         Two-day training
KWY's Trauma healing training will assist you in building your capacity to work in trauma-informed, and culturally responsive ways with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We will be exploring trauma-informed and culturally responsive practice and how these approaches are applied together.​

Participants who complete this training will :

  • Gain an understanding of the guiding principles of culturally responsive practice and how this could be applied in your daily work

  • Have a greater understanding of the guiding principles of trauma-informed/responsive practice and how this could be applied in culturally responsive ways in your roles.

  • Having direct opportunities to explore what it looks likes in action and developing practical steps to utilise in your workplaces.

  • Exploring our brain and the impact of stress

  • Exploring intergenerational trauma and what is needed to respond​​​​​






For alternative dates or corporate bookings please contact 

Image by Victor
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​KWY facilitate tailored workshops aimed at improving recruitment and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This training provides localised, culturally appropriate education and support to increase understanding and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the workplace for employers, job seekers and new employees.


Training for employers will provide tangible strategies to recruit and retain Indigenous employees.

The training will include:


  • Cultural awareness and sensitivity: Gain an understanding of cultural backgrounds, customs, beliefs, and values of employees from diverse cultural backgrounds.

  • Communication skills: Develop effective communication to build strong relationships with employees, particularly those from different cultural backgrounds.· 

  • Conflict resolution: Build techniques to manage conflicts & build consensus among team members from different cultural backgrounds.

  • Recruitment and retention: Plan strategies to attract and retain employees from diverse cultural backgrounds by creating a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture.

  • Workplace policies and procedures: Learn about legal requirements and best practices for creating a workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment, and other forms of bias.







Training for Indigenous job seekers and new employees will provide knowledge and understanding around expectations in the workplace and strategies on how to navigate issues experienced by Indigenous people entering the workforce. Indigenous job seekers or new Indigenous employees will be provided with support, guidance, and resources to empower them in their career development and workplace success.
The training will include:


  • Cultural Awareness and Identity: Enhancing participants' understanding and pride in their own cultural identity, heritage, and history, fostering a sense of belonging and self-confidence.

  • Workplace Expectations and Communication: Learn about workplace norms, expectations, and professional etiquette, including effective communication skills, teamwork, and conflict resolution strategies.

  • Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Employment: Explore common barriers to employment, such as discrimination, lack of work experience, transportation issues, or personal circumstances and will develop strategies and resources to overcome these barriers.

  • Work-Life Balance: Strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by Indigenous individuals due to cultural responsibilities, family commitments, and community obligations. Participants would learn strategies to manage their time effectively, set boundaries, and prioritize their personal and family needs alongside their professional goals.

  • Support Services and Access to Training and Education: Connecting participants with further education, training programs, or certification, local support services, Indigenous organisations, and networking opportunities to foster a sense of community and provide ongoing assistance throughout their careers.

Book via your job network provider


Workforce Australia Local Jobs is funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.


​For alternative dates or corporate bookings please contact 


Complex case management is an important tool used to highlight pathways and further enhance case management strategies. Participants will gain skills in strategies for improving their approach to complex case management which ensures the clients' cultural safety is always explored and attended to. You will be provided with the guiding principles of complex case management with an Aboriginal perspective. We include a focus on the strengths, resilience, and diversity of Aboriginal people. You will be prompted to consider cultural issues, underpinning issues and cultural needs when engaging Aboriginal people in a case management plan.


Training will cover:

  • Understanding complex case management and its positive influences on service delivery

  • Explore the guiding principles of complex case management

  • Explore specialised frameworks that will benefit workers and organisations who engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait communities. Leadership, ownership and solutions – positive outcomes for complex case management systems

  • Understanding complex case management and its positive influences for service delivery and outcomes for your clients

  • Explore the guiding principles of complex case management with an Aboriginal perspective

  • Offer a better understanding of case management with a cultural lens, for better engagement

  • Client pathways and case management

  • Cultural considerations within the case management frameworks






​​​​​For alternative dates or corporate bookings please contact 

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This training provides participants with the knowledge and skills to recognise and understand the indicators of serious risk of domestic and family violence. The training provides specific information on working with families experiencing domestic, Aboriginal family and sexual violence. This training also provides the worker with practical strategies for responding to domestic and family violence within the context of your agency. The program also provides you with strategies and how to embed these strategies into your everyday practice. The program will focus on the importance of how to respond in ways that support the client’s needs, particularly their need for safety.


The training will cover:

  • How we define domestic and Aboriginal family and sexual violence

  • What workplaces can do to support employees experiencing domestic and family violence

  • How to tell if someone is in an abusive relationship

  • The causes of Aboriginal family violence

  • Guiding principles working with Aboriginal clients

  • Culturally sensitive safety planning

  • Case planning

  • Aboriginal whole-of-life view of health


Please select your preferred date from the links below. 








For additional dates or larger groups booking, please contact 


You will learn how to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people and communities through a better understanding of lateral violence and how it may inform effective engagement and participation strategies. You will gain an understanding of what lateral violence is and why people use lateral violence and importantly the effects of lateral violence on Aboriginal people and communities.


Participants will gain a greater understanding of:

  • The nature and scope of lateral violence

  • How lateral violence impacts upon workplaces

  • How lateral violence impacts upon staff

  • How lateral violence impacts upon clients and community

  • Skills and knowledge needed to recognise and understand lateral violence

  • Strategies needed to implement new learnings



Discover why culture is a critical consideration when providing services to Aboriginal children and families. This training explores the concepts and principles behind the notion of Aboriginal cultural proficiency.


The training will promote:

  • Awareness and a greater understanding of organisational cultural proficiency

  • Understanding of organisational lateral violence

  • Understanding of how organisational cultural competency affects people within the workforce

  • Improved relationships between Aboriginal staff/volunteers/community working in services who work with Aboriginal people





“I found it deep and informative, thanks”- James

“The content was very to the point with a brilliant delivery style” - Greg  “Awesome it was very interactive and practically informative”-Helen


You’ll be provided with theoretical and practised base expertise for working safely and ethically with men who use gendered violence, power and control. You will learn to respond to the needs of women and children affected by violence. Improving your professional practice by incorporating these principles into your work with men.


Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Understanding male domestic and Aboriginal family violence

  • Appropriate community responses to male domestic and Aboriginal family violence

  • Appropriate ways of working with men for a change

  • Key principles that underpin working with men

  • Key elements of working with men who use violence

  • Philosophy and principles for working with male violence in the family




“Great environment that allowed people to share their stories and learn from each other”- Colin

“Excellent Training, fantastic delivery, really helpful content” - Marge

“You guys never fail to deliver enjoyable but vital training “- Sue

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Perpetrator Behaviour Analysis (P.B.A) or perpetrator mapping is an important tool used to highlight pathways and case management strategies for both the perpetrator and the survivor/s of domestic and Aboriginal family violence. Participants will learn the skills, strategies used for in-depth analysis. Survivor Behaviour Analysis (S.B.A) will assist workers to develop strategies to achieve positive outcomes for survivors of domestic and Aboriginal family violence.


Training will cover:​


  • Perpetrator Behaviour Analysis – Minimising risks to women and children

  • Best practice to improve Perpetrator Behaviour Analysis

  • Survivor Behaviour Analysis – Strength-based practice

  • Parental protection patterns – Positive patterns for positive outcomes

  • Case management practices - Case note-taking - Solution based casework – Communication.



“Excellent and meaningful training” -Robert




This training will educate potential employers to look at their service provisions to have a better understanding of Aboriginal culture and to increase Aboriginal retention and employment within their own organisations. This training offers the opportunity for participants to increase their own cultural understandings and discuss strategies for the implementation of their new learnings and how they may become embedded in their service delivery. Training will outline several key areas relating to Aboriginal culture, employment and retention.


This will lead to:

  • Enable participants to better understand Aboriginal culture and myths surrounding it

  • Develop and enhance support networks for services

  • Drive positive change and outcomes regarding Aboriginal employment, mentoring and employee retention

  • Empower participants with skills and knowledge to better recognise and understand some areas in Aboriginal culture that may have an effect on employment and retention



The aim of this training is to provide a greater understanding of more appropriate ways of engaging with Aboriginal people holistically. The training will raise worker/organisational awareness of Aboriginal culture and improve client and community engagement. It will provide strategies on how to increase communication and understanding whilst engaging with the local community. This training will also touch on the practice of narrative therapy and how it best supports working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Training will cover:

  • Engagement with the Aboriginal community

  • Complex case management

  • Cultural accountability

  • Working towards cultural competency

  • Working in a holistic manner

  • Client support strategies

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