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'To challenge each other'

Huddle Hands

What We Offer

The Wuinparrinthi program is a culturally appropriate youth prevention program for Aboriginal male adolescents who have displayed violent behaviour or are identified as being inclined towards violent behaviour. Young people engage in the program for 6 months, with the aim to mitigate the risk of violent behaviour through awareness and education about positive relationships, coercive control, anger management, positive choices and preventing violence.



Aboriginal adolescent males aged 14 to 18 years (inclusive) who have displayed violent behaviour or are identified as being inclined towards violent behaviour.


Get Started

  • Referrals to the program can come from government departments, youth and community centres, youth courts, non-government organisations, family, community, self-referral and internally through KWY.​

  • Click below to complete our online referral form. 



  • Metropolitan Adelaide

Work together

Make a referral today

Refer yourself, someone you know or a client.

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