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Lived, Identity, Navigate, Connect

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What We Offer

Named for its focus on Lived, Identity, Navigate, and Connect, Your LINC offers community-based individual psychosocial support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals. 


The service is funded by the Department of Health and Wellbeing and delivered through a partnership between Centacare Catholic Family Services and KWY. Your LINC embodies a strength-based and culturally responsive approach to mental health support where our mental health practitioners walk alongside individuals, supporting them to reclaim their sense of self and community. 


Our mental health practitioners provide person-centred psychosocial support to individuals and their families/carers, where appropriate. This includes goal setting, and application and transition to NDIS services. 



People aged 18 to 65 years old who are clients of the mental health community teams or people within this age group who may have accessed the Urgent Mental Health Care Centre or emergency departments.


Get Started

  • Clients are referred by the mental health community teams, Aboriginal services in the Local Health Networks, Urgent Mental Health Care Centre and Emergency Departments. 

  • To contact SA Health Mental Health Services, please click here.​

  • Or reach out to KWY on 08 8377 7822​



  • Greater metropolitan Adelaide, Barossa, Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula. 

Work together

Make a referral today

Refer yourself, someone you know or a client.

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